[IU] IU official fan club UAENA 5th recruitment
글쓴이 : EDAM엔터테인먼트 / Date : 2022-01-17 / Hit : 30071




<UAENA 5th recruitment guide>


Recruitment period : Jan 24 2022 (Mon) 12PM ~ 6 Feb (Sun) 23:59PM (KST)


Membership period : For 1 year since the last day of fan club recruitment (Changeable according to artist’s promotion schedule)


Qualifying for Membership : All those hoping to register for <UAENA> 5th generation, IU’s official fan club.


- Koreans and foreigners residing in Korea, those with legitimate resident registration number (foreign registration number)


- Global fans eligible to register in ‘Melon Ticket’


Membership fee : 30,000 won (Separate shipping fee for domestic/international deliveries and overseas remittance fee will be charged)




<How to apply for UAENA 5th membership>


1. Log into [Melon Ticket] and check your account information (Must update to your current address and contact number)


   - Melon Ticket account must be created with your own name as the fan club member, and you are not allowed to use the name of you family/others.


   - You may be excluded from the benefits, if you do not use your own name for the fan club.


2. Purchase merchandise for UAENA 5th membership on [Melon Ticket]


3. ‘Must’ input additional information for registration (Daum fan cafe ID, Melon Ticket ID, date of birth)


- Please provide your information correctly within the given period since you will not be able to get another level upgrade, including cases where your registered account level hasn’t been upgraded due to typos in your Daum fan café ID, failure to provide fan café nickname, failure to upgrade level in fan café within the period, wrong birth date information etc.


- Fill in the Daum fan cafe ID correctly after verifying its consolidation with Kakao.


- Type in 6 numbers for the date of birth in the format of YYMMDD.


4. Select shipment type and order’s information before you make a purchase


5. After making a purchase, check your reserved ticket in [My Ticket – Purchased Tickets]




<UAENA 5th membership benefit>


1. <UAENA> 5th membership card (Provide name, birth date, membership number)


2. <UAENA> 5th membership Kit (1 time with in the term / Details will be announced separately)


3. Privilege of prior participation for IU’s public broadcast and on/off-line fan events (Will be progressed after discussion with the host)


4. Privilege of pre-reservation for IU’s solo concert or fan meetings in Korea


5. Member level adjustment within IU’s official fan café (Details will be announced separately)


- Owner of the Daum ID and fan-club member has to be the same person for level upgrade.


- Level upgrade will be for ‘regular member’ levels within the fan café


6. Adjusting fan club's member class in EDAM Official Shopping Mall and providing benefits for purchasing fan club's exclusive MD


7. Exclusive space for <UAENA> within IU’s official fan café and access to special contents limited for fan club


- Your qualification for fan club membership may be forfeited during the 5th term if violations such as sharing information about limited contents and benefits with others get caught.



 * Caution


- Fan club benefits will only be applied within the 5th term for registered members and selling or transferring it will not be allowed.


- Please note that qualifications for fan club membership may be deprived permanently when illegal dealings and actions related to benefits get caught.






<UAENA 5th registration EVENT>


Target : Members of IU’s official fan club <UAENA> 5th generation


Content : A Polaroid photo with autograph will be randomly given to members with number 1993, 0516, 2008, 0918 as the final digits of their membership number


    * Membership number will be granted in order of purchase.


    * Example) Final digit 1993 : UAENA0501993, UAENA0511993, UAENA0521993, UAENA0531993, •••




<UAENA 5th registration cautions>


1. When registering, you must register for the fan club with your Melon Ticket ID.

   - One Melon Ticket ID can register for once, and one account can join one fan club.

   - Your registered information on Melon Ticket website will be printed on your membership card.

   - If you register with another person’s information (friend, parents, relatives etc.), the corresponding information will be printed on the card and you will not be able to receive any fan club related benefits.

   - For foreign members, please enter the exact name written on your passport.


2. <UAENA> 5th membership card and Membership Kit will be manufactured after the recruitment and be shipped in batches and will be announced separately when shipment begins.

   - Shipping fee is excluded for domestic deliveries, and overseas shipping fee and remittance fee will be charged for overseas deliveries.

 - Responsibility for missed deliveries due to change of address/contact and absence/unreachable returns etc. will be solely applied to the member, and the Membership Kit including the membership card will not be reissued once you lose it.

 - For returns due to wrong or changed address & change in contact or absence etc., only domestic shipments can be delivered again by C.O.D and we will not be able to resend overseas deliveries. 

 - You can replace items if inquiries for replacing faulty goods or omitted items etc. are be made within 2 weeks after the fan club items arrived at the destination after sending. (Details for replacement will be announced separately)


3. Cancellation and refund can be made within the fan club recruitment term, but refund will not be allowed for any kind of reason after the recruitment, and exchange/ return of MD for simple change of mind will not be allowed.


4. Fan club benefits are provided only to fan club members so you cannot sell or transfer it to others.

   - Restrictions for fan café activities and registration can occur, and you will be removed from the fan club member’s list when all violations such as transferring fan club membership card and merchandise to others, selling and purchasing pre-reserved concert tickets and benefits through illegal transactions or sharing information with others get caught.


5. You can modify your entered additional information for fan club registration until the last day of fan club recruitment (Feb 6th, 2022, 11:59PM).

   - Please enter the ID you used for fan club registration for your Melon Ticket ID.

   - Please enter your official fan café ID for Daum fan café ID. (Nickname X)

 - You may not receive your benefits in time if you enter typos, incorrect information or omit information.


6. Please keep a record of your reservation after you make purchase or complete transfer. You can use the printed reservation receipt to receive benefits until your membership card is shipped after joining the fan club.


7. If you delete your Melon Ticket ID before <UAENA> 5th term is over, you will not receive fan club benefits.


Moreover, you will not be able to register your Melon Ticket ID that purchased the official fan club again, and fan club benefits will not be provided to your newly registered ID.



8. Information provided to register fan club will be used for fan club membership card issuance and member management, and it will be discarded after <UAENA> 5th term is over.


9. Please use Melon Ticket customer help center and iu-official@daum.net for inquiries related to fan club registration.